
It takes about a fifth of a second to produce a syllable, or about  a fifteenth or twentieth of a second for each consonant or vowel. Now it turns out it takes a little longer than that to move the lips, tongue and jaw for each vowel and consonant. So what is happening? Read more
Coarticulation concepts

A typical definition of coarticulation is that articulators are moving simultaneously but for different phonemes, or that phonemes overlap in time, which explicitly implicates a belief in some sort of underlying “segment” that has its physical expression in articulatory behaviour. Indeed, Liberman & Mattingly insist that some sort of discrete representation is always implied, even for those who would deny it. Read more
An example from Bulgarian

This example shows how three syllables were organized:
e t â r e
from the utterance
Petâr e papa
The sequence is taken from an X-ray motion film of Bulgarian speech. Read more
©Sidney Wood and SWPhonetics, 1994-2013